Chicago Energy Fund
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Can I get green funding?

Can I get green funding for my house?

Yes, you need to own a home or building, and you need to want to switch out your current systems with green energy saving systems.


What if, instead of paying the $200 or $250 for the equalized monthly payment for gas like we do in Chicago, you could pay around $150 a month for a new geothermal heating and cooling system. This might mean that you eliminate your bill to the gas company all together.


Chicago Energy Fund is transforming the way we get our energy. With these green energy systems in people’s houses, they will save money on their monthly bills and have green equipment in their homes.

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How does this work?

We put a small lien onto your house (like a mortgage) and give you a twenty year loan at 8% interest.  By putting the new system into your house, we add value to it. Remember, the point is to go green and save money.  Possibly even eliminating gas and/or electric bills.

What if I want to sell?


That is easy.  The loan would either be paid off at the closing table, or you can sign the loan over to the new purchaser of your home.  Having an energy efficient system will be a considerable asset to a potential buyer making your home even more attractive than its competitors.  What potential buyer would not want a home that had good inexpensive heating and cooling, or even made its own electricity?  We think this will be a big asset to your home.

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